Thursday, July 9, 2009

the infatuation with race.

this country has progressed drastically since jim crow laws and the civil rights movement and i believe we've become (for the large part) a post-racial country. look at what has occurred in recent past: black supreme court justice (clarence thomas) first black president (obama), back to back black secretary's of state (colin powell and condoleeza rice), first black attorney general (eric holder), first latina nominee on the supreme court (sotomayor), and so on. you would've thought i was a complete idiot to say this would happen forty years ago. if politicians didn't exploit race as they have for decades, we would be way ahead of the curve in terms of a post-racial society. unfortunately there will always be race-baiters who are looking to exploit race for their own gain (i.e. al sharpton and jesse jackson). my question: why is race important? who cares if i'm white, you're brown, and your friend is black? race should have nothing do to with anything. as martin luther king once said, people should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. 
anyways, this article is intriguing for a number of reasons. first of all, these thugs who terrorize and violently attack people purely based on race are a cancer to society and in my opinion, belong with the likes of adolf hitler and joseph stalin as scum of the world. second of all, flip this story around. let's say a mob of white people attacked a black family in rural ohio. al sharpton would be up in arms, the government-run media would hail it a hate crime, and it would be all over the news. the double standard in the media is breathtaking. 

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