Wednesday, April 28, 2010
media still clueless about tea parties.
"An aggrieved elite," Dana Milbank sniffed. "Race is part of the picture," E.J. Dionne noted. "The Tea Partiers aren't standing up for the little guy; they're standing up TO the little guy," Peter Beinart complained. "The Tea Partiers favor the economically and racially privileged. ... What the Tea Partiers dislike about Barack Obama's economic policies is that they don't do enough for the rich."
What Tea Partiers dislike about Obama's policies is that they've tripled the national debt.
"Something unique happened in Obama's first year," Daniel Henninger wrote. "The veil was ripped from the true cost of government. This is a ghastly nightmare the Democrats have needed to keep locked in a crypt."
Obama began with a $787 billion stimulus package (which most economists have now dismissed as a failure), passed a fiscal 2010 budget of $3.5 trillion, passed a fiscal 2011 budget of $3.8 trillion, and passed his health care reform bill, for additional trillions whose scope we don't know. Henninger pegs this year's spending at $9 trillion.
The Tea Party is a popular, not a populist, movement, a grass-roots uprising against the cost and expansion of government power. It fears that the debt has become unsustainable. Do not expect Dionne or Beinart to recognize this."
Toward that end, Obama's offers a gesture of bad faith:
"We've been scouring the budget, line by line, identifying more than $20 billion in savings this year alone," Obama said.
This year alone! This year, when the federal government will spend something like $3.6 trillion, $20 billion is not even big enough to be a rounding error. If that's all that line-by-line scouring yields, we are well and truly screwed.
citigroup, obama, and creepy corporatism

Of course, the U.S. government OWNS 27% of Citi, so one shouldn’t be surprised at this. And even without the direct ownership, Citi has no more interest than other big coprorations heavily dependent on government regulation and increasingly at the mercy of discretionary, not to say arbitrary, government action, in antagonizing the Obama administration or Democrats in Congress—especially since the administration and the congressional Democrats have shown a willingness to go after those standing in their way."
media, self-censorship, and islamic radicalism
Comedy Central would not have been right to censor the first episode, but it made things worse by showing the first uncensored and then censoring the second one in response to the threats. Any time fanatics carry the day against free expression, something essential is lost."
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
capitalism and the 9o

prager: why we here about "white" tea parties
misusing history
'south park' and the informal fatwa

medved: it's the party, not obama.
the stimulus mistake.
whose country is this?

senator accuses president of picking judicial nominees who will 'promote his agenda'
"You have the fundamental question: Is this what the framers [of the Constitution] had in mind when they created a limited government, and created a Commerce Clause?" he added."
noah's ark found in turkey.
Monday, April 26, 2010
so true.
"What a difference an election can make!
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism, we were told by leading liberal pundits and Democratic politicians from Jan. 20, 2001 to Jan. 19, 2009. According to these worthies, there were few more noble ways to express dissent than protest demonstrations, which were frequent during the Bush administration.
Their attitudes have changed since Jan. 20, 2009. Today, some criticism of the president is "borderline sedition," said Time columnist Joe Klein. It could lead to another Oklahoma City bombing, warned former President Bill Clinton.
Mr. Klein was upset because radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh had used the word "regime" to describe the Obama administration. But how many liberals called it seditious when critics referred to the Bush administration as the "Bush regime," which, according to Google, happened at least 6,500 times.
What really terrifies Democrats is not just the number or size of tea party rallies, but that they are occurring at all. For more than a century, the protest demonstration has been almost exclusively a left-wing thing. Conservatives just don't demonstrate. The tea party indicates a level of street activism on the right unprecedented in our history.
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Dec. 16 indicated the tea party was more popular than either Democrats or Republicans. Respondents approved of the tea party, 41 percent to 23 percent. More disapproved of both the Republican Party (28-43) and the Democratic Party (35-45) than approved of them.
So the tea party must be smeared, lest it gain even more adherents."
**must watch** :FCC Diversity "Czar" Mark Lloyd
playing the race card.
Friday, April 23, 2010
the global 'warming' tax
the problem with socialism.
public sector unions bankrupting America
government blows.

obama the campaigner vs. obama the emperor
Thursday, April 22, 2010
High times for American marijuana smokers as police allow thousands of '4/20' pot protesters to light up across the country
Monday, April 12, 2010
visualizing obama's budget cut of $100
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Lieberman slams Obama administration over omission of "islamic terror" in security documents

NO $$$$
"The election-year jobs agenda promised by President Barack Obama and Democrats has stalled seven months before voters determine control of Congress.
Democrats have no money to pay for the program. That's because both Republicans and the Democratic chairman of the Senate Budget Committee objected to taking money left over from the fund that bailed out banks, automakers and insurers and using it for the jobs bill.
Such a move, they insisted, would add tens of billions of dollars to the $12.8 trillion national debt."
senators question future of US-Soviet nuclear pact
gallup poll: obama hits new low
Polling Data
Poll | Date | Sample | Approve | Disapprove | Spread |
RCP Average | 3/25 - 4/10 | -- | 46.1 | 47.3 | -1.2 |
Gallup | 4/8 - 4/10 | 1547 A | 45 | 48 | -3 |
Rasmussen Reports | 4/8 - 4/10 | 1500 LV | 47 | 53 | -6 |
FOX News | 4/6 - 4/7 | 900 RV | 43 | 48 | -5 |
CBS News | 3/29 - 4/1 | 858 A | 44 | 41 | +3 |
USA Today/Gallup | 3/26 - 3/28 | 1033 A | 47 | 50 | -3 |
Marist | 3/25 - 3/29 | 860 RV | 46 | 43 | +3 |
CNN/Opinion Research | 3/25 - 3/28 | 935 RV | 51 | 48 | +3 |
***Food Stamp Usage Hits Record 39 Million, 14th Consecutive Monthly Increase***
Inquiring minds are looking at a SNAP Participation Table that shows a record 39,430,724 receive SNAP benefits, a 22.4% increase from a year ago.
Biggest State Increases
Arizona - 32.9%
Colorado - 32.9%
Florida - 38.6%
Idaho - 45.7%
Nevada - 46.9%
Rhode Island - 42.4%
South Dakota - 32.6%
Utah - 37.3%
Wisconsin - 38.9%
Wyoming - 40.0%
Saturday, April 10, 2010
gendercide: china's massacre of unborn girls means there will soon be 30 mill more men than women

By the year 2020, there will be 30 million more men than women of marriageable age in this giant empire, so large and so different (its current population is 1,336,410,000) that it often feels more like a separate planet than just another country. Nothing like this has ever happened to any civilisation before."
tax season