Monday, August 31, 2009
george will: washington is seriously unserious.

Thursday, August 27, 2009
key dem says party moderates are "brain dead"

Sunday, August 23, 2009
the risk of a double-dip recession is rising.

new york governor blames his problems on his race..and declares 'the next victim is barack obama'

will obama's statism ever retreat?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
the great irony of the obama administration

obamacare: a transformation of america

the strange case of the obama meltdown

Friday, August 21, 2009
obama agenda to raise 10 year deficit to record $9 trillion

Thursday, August 20, 2009
in government we trust?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
pew: dem party ratings plummet

government jobs have grown since recession.

special interests.

Friday, August 14, 2009
big business goes big for obamacare

GOP thinks the unthinkable: victory in 2010

ronald reagan responds to obama
florida principal, athletic director face six months in jail over school prayer.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
obama town halls are staged press conferences

europe: america's future?

obama: salesman for the superstate?

very very interesting..read this.
"There have been reports just over the last couple of days of insurance companies making record profits, right now," Obama said during a prime-time news conference. At a time when everybody's getting hammered, they're making record profits, and premiums are going up. What's the constraint on that? ... Well, part of the way is to make sure that there's some competition out there."
a) the fact that these hack politicians attack profit shows their hatred of capitalism and the essence of the american dream. obama does not like the economic system of america, and if you haven't realized this yet, you should wake up and smell the coffee.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
senator stabenow: i can feel global warming when i'm flying

"Michigan just experienced its coldest July on record; global temperatures haven't risen in more than a decade; Great Lakes water levels have resumed their 30-year cyclical rise (contrary to a decade of media scare stories that they were drying up due to global warming), and polls show that climate change doesn't even make a list of Michigan voters' top-ten concerns. Yet in an interview with the Detroit News Monday, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.) - recently appointed to the Senate Energy Committee - made clear that fighting the climate crisis is her top priority."
somebody help me.

UN climate warming: we have 4 months to secure future of the planet

you can quote me on this: "man-made" global warming (and its hysteria) is the biggest scam and crock of bullsh** the world has ever seen.
paglia (obama supporter): pelosi must go

welcome to the overflowing welfare states of america

"It's free money!" said Alecia Rumph, 26, who waited in a Morris Park, Bronx line 300 people deep for the cash to buy uniforms and book bags for her two kids. Thank God for Obama. He's looking out for us."
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
a thomas sowell freestyle

we have met the public enemy, and he is us.

a backroom drug deal

jihadists attacked pakistan's nuclear sites three times since 2007

obama web-tracking plan stirs privacy concerns

Monday, August 10, 2009
quote of the day.
straight talk on islam. brace yourself.

saving obama from himself: the machiavellian thing vs. the moral thing on healthcare