Wednesday, July 29, 2009
sowell: if the worst that obama does is destroy the economy, i will breathe a sigh of relief.

where's the media coverage about iraq?

from the brilliance that is charles krauthammer:
"The coverage of Iraq is driven by three factors: American casualties, media interest, presidential interest.
Our casualties are at a record low. The media interest is zero (a) because if you run a good news story, it's a retroactive vindication of the Bush administration and nobody in the press wants that; if you run a bad news story, it's a story that might imply that Obama is losing the war already won.
But a third factor here is presidential interest. Obama is not interested in Iraq. He is only interested to the extent that he doesn't want to lose this war. But he wants it off his plate."
a vision of the end times.
article of the day:

"It makes you wonder. For all the rush and panic, the truth is, climate change — if real — is a very slow-moving catastrophe. Moreover, it happens to align with an ideological and political agenda the Left has been pushing for generations: Unregulated economic growth is bad and must be reigned in by experts; nature is our master, and we must be her servants. What a convenient truth for environmentalists."
obama's blame game.

"The Democratic party has 60 votes in the Senate and can spare over 38 defections in the House, yet President Obama, presumably not wanting to alienate his own party, is still looking for someone else to blame for Congress’s failure to enact his health-care agenda by the August recess. In one of the few tough questions he faced during his prime-time press conference last week, a reporter challenged him on his frequent attempts to blame Republicans. Over the weekend, his administration settled on a new target: the Congressional Budget Office."
suprise suprise: newsweek reporter joins obama administration
israel-iran update

"Striking Iran’s nuclear program will not be precipitous or poorly thought out. Israel’s attack, if it happens, will have followed enormously difficult deliberation over terrible imponderables, and years of patiently waiting on innumerable failed diplomatic efforts. Absent Israeli action, prepare for a nuclear Iran."
with poll numbers plummeting, obama goes back to bashing bush

strategy of the demagogue: distract negative attention from yourself and blame someone else. is the media ever going to get over bush? who knows.
dozens arrested in medicare fraud busts across the US

"The first task force started in 2007 in Miami, a city authorities say alone is responsible for more than $3 billion a year in Medicare fraud."
i can guarantee you this. if you think fraud and corruption are bad in the medicare and medicaid system we currently have, just wait for obamacare. bigger government, bigger bureaucracy= bigger chance of fraud/waste/exploitation/crime. why are we doing this to ourselves?
quote of the day.

"But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections of human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."
-James Madison, Federalist 51
i dont know about you, but i think we get a F for "obliging" the government to control itself.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
10 questions for supporters of a nationalized healthcare.
article of the day:

(my boy dennis prager)
"9. Given how weak the U.S. economy is, given how weak the U.S. dollar is, and given how much in debt the U.S. is in, why would anyone seek to have the U.S. spend another trillion dollars? Even if all the other questions here had legitimate answers, wouldn't the state of the U.S. economy alone argue against national health care at this time?"
are republicans the economic pessimists?
"And while politics are not everything, I do believe that the shrinking prospects for Obamacare have been a big contributor to the stock market’s recent surge. This sweeping new government insurance plan would lead to high-tax-and-spend-and-borrow-and-regulate nationalized health care, a big economic negative. Ditto for nationalizing energy through cap-and-trade-and-tax. If these initiatives fail, it is very bullish for stocks and the economy. "
new jersey: a perfect example of big government and corruption

"Big Government is why New Jersey created only 6,800 private sector jobs from 2000 to 2007—while public sector jobs grew by more than 55,800. Big Government is the reason New Jersey ranks as the worst of 50 states on the Small Business Survival Index. And Big Government is a leading reason New Jersey has a “corruption problem” that an FBI agent at Friday’s press conference characterized as “one of the worst, if not the worst, in the nation.”
nobama 2004: bush rushed legislation through congress without allowing time to read or debate
biden's list of political blunders.

this just dates back to 2008. for more on our astoundingly astute vice president, check out my post "the dumbest vice president of all time."
quote of the day.
from mark levin's "liberty and tyranny", which everyone should read immediately:
"the conservative is alarmed by the ascent of a soft tyranny and its cheery acceptance by the neo-statist. he knows that liberty once lost is rarely recovered. he knows of the decline and eventual failure of past republics. and he knows that the best prescription for addressing society's real and perceived ailments is not to further empower an already enormous federal government beyond its constitutional limits, but to return to the founding principles. a free people living in a civil society, working in self-interested cooperation, and a government operating within the limits of its authority promote more prosperity, opportunity, and happiness for more people than ANY alternative. conservatism is the antidote to tyranny because its principles are the founding principles."
Monday, July 27, 2009
does obama believe what obama is saying?
"Listening to President Obama explain "his" health care plan, I can't help but wonder if he actually believes his own words. Maybe it's been so long since the adoring press corps has held him accountable for his innumerable exaggerations, omissions and misstatements that he believes he can create a new reality simply by speaking it into existence."
what obama fails to understand about america.

"It's not only confusion that is causing Americans to bail on Obamacare. Most of us value freedom and have a healthy distrust of government. Time after time, we have seen the feds screw things up: Iraq, Katrina, immigration, Vietnam, the war on drugs, public schools, the list is endless. And we are going to put our troubled appendix in the hands of these people?"
translating obamacare into plain english

if you haven't seen this yet, it's congressman kyle brady's chart of obama's healthcare plan. this is the bureaucracy that our healthcare system will turn into. god bless america.
the waxman-markey energy bill deserves to die.

"No wonder, for it would regulate many things--energy, wages, imported goods, corporations, states, cities, buildings and houses, snowmobiles, lawn mowers, light fixtures, candelabra base lamps and many others--while containing broad exemptions for regulation of agribusiness, ethanol and biofuels. The Waxman-Markey bill would be without question the biggest expansion of federal government control over our economy since the 1930s."
chairman conyers: what's the point of reading a bill if it's 1,000 pages?
what an idiot. when politicians aren't even reading the bills that they sign (JUST LIKE THE STIMULUS), something is terribly wrong in the democratic process of the united states government. and on a side note, the fact that a single bill is 1,000 pages is absurd. think about how much crap can be slipped into a bill that nobody even read (JUST LIKE THE STIMULUS).
millions in stimulus goes to fix toilets

that's right, our tax-payer money is fixing government owned toilets around the country. potty pork? our money is literally going down the drain. stimulus bill= biggest waste of $800 billion i've ever seen. while people are getting laid off from work, government toilets are getting a nice shining. amazing.
pelosi on being unpopular: "i dont care"

on a personal note, i think she is one of the worst, most hack politicians to ever step foot in congress.
'impeach obama' bumper stickers spark a shopping mall protest

this vendor at a mall in charlotte, north carolina is being kicked out of shopping center for what he says is complete "political" reasons. he sells conservative bumper stickers and paraphenilia. just putting it into perspective, a) how many "impeach bush" stickers did you see in the last 8 years? b) would you ever ever hear about an anti-bush-conservative vendor being kicked out of a mall for no legitimate reason? the answer is no. you can find liberal bias almost everywhere nowadays.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
amazon ceo apologizes for deleting orwell books

"Bezos' apology came a week after unauthorized copies of "1984" and "Animal Farm" were wiped from Kindle readers in a move that triggered privacy concerns and drew unfavorable comparisons to Big Brother-like (government) behavior."
bias? liberals love freedom of speech and of the press unless it gets in the way of advancing their agenda.
Friday, July 24, 2009
this should make you sick. (video)

the folly of obamacare.

"Health care cannot be a right, because rights cannot come from government. At best, they can be protected by government. The founders understood this, which is why our Bill of Rights is really a list of restrictions on the government in Washington. “Congress shall make no law . . . ” is how the First Amendment begins."
north korean women publicly executed for distributing the Bible

"According to its constitution, North Korea guarantees freedom of religion. But in reality, the regime severely restricts religious observance, with the CULT OF PERSONALITY created by national founder Kim Il Sung and enjoyed by his son, current leader Kim Jong Il, serving as a virtual state religion. Those who violate religious restrictions are often accused of crimes such as spying or anti-government activities."
texas gov. threatens state's rights showdown vs. obamacare

we need someone like this in california. governor perry: "federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens and its interference with the affairs of our state."
Thursday, July 23, 2009
obama's insidious war on the middle class.

as mark levin puts it, you act like you're from the middle class, you run for the middle class, and then you destroy the middle class:
political corruption erupts in new jersey.
44 government officials arrested. the garden state= government run amok. libs have ran that state into the toilet, just like california. when will we learn?
stocks up, obamacare down.
let's see how little the mainstream media covers this story.

obama's ties to acorn are more extensive than you think. did anyone know he worked for acorn as a community activist and lawyer in the 1990s? of course not. here are the latest criminal allegations against ACORN, who is being investigated in 12 states. be careful what you wish for:
quote of the century II

why the welfare state, like the one we have in america, does not work:
"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for,that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931
a quick lesson about the media.
if you don't think the mainstream media is completely in the back pocket of the barack obama, then you've got a lot of realizing to do. recently, newsweek magazine editor evan thomas compared obama to God. let's roll the tape:
incredible. a couple weeks ago, ABC actually aired an obama special on healthcare from INSIDE the white house. i dont think people understand how unprecedented this is. when news agencies are televising and "reporting" from the east room of the white house, there officially is no distinction between media and government.
the obamas have graced the cover of Time magazine a record 12 times in the last year. besides slobbering all over the "brilliance" of barack and the beauty of michelle, Time magazine has been a propaganda arm of the big-government agenda, supporting literally anything that comes out of the mouth of barack obama. but now that obama's approval ratings are sinking faster than the titanic, what does Time magazine do?? you got it, they cover the last days of the bush administration. that's right, 7 months into the presidency of barack nobama, the media still cannot get over their infatuation with george bush. so instead of accepting the fact that their media darling aint so darling anymore, the mainstream media distracts the people by going after bush again, and at the same time, covering obama's ass. welcome to media bias 101.
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